Intermediate Algebra: A Modeling Approach
Author: Kathy Yoshiwara

All-Access Pass
ISBN: 978-1-936368-56-3
* Includes eBook, MathTV videos and XYZ Homework
Paperback w/ All Access Pass
ISBN: 978-1-936368-87-7
Intermediate Algebra: A Modeling Approach
Author: Kathy Yoshiwara
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About This Book
Do you want a successful program in intermediate algebra based on modeling real-world situations? We have everything you need right here. We are pleased to offer Intermediate Algebra: A Modeling Approach by Kathy Yoshiwara. More than just a textbook, this is a full-service course that has been class-tested and is ready for you to use. If you have attended any of Kathy's presentations on modeling, you know she is an expert in the field. She has refined her program over many years at Los Angeles Pierce College.
The Yoshiwara Program of Instruction
Instructor Guide
This is Kathy's step-by-step guide for how to organize and run your classroom. It gives details on how to integrate the online homework system, XYZ Homework, the Activities Guide, and the textbook to create a successful course in intermediate algebra, from a modeling perspective.
Print Textbook or Online eBook
The foundation of the course is the textbook. Here is where the student finds the examples, explanations, and problems that will take them to a new level in mathematical maturity. The student can purchase the print version of the textbook for $58 (which includes all our eContent), or they can purchase an All-Access for $45/year.
Activities Booklet
In-class activities for every section of the textbook are your lesson plans for the course. These are available free on the website, or the complete booklet can be purchased for $20.
Advice for Students taking a math class: Be prepared to think in new ways. Do not be afraid of making mistakes, but be willing to read and think on your own before asking for help. Every example in every XYZ Textbook is worked on video by multiple video tutors. Students benefit from seeing multiple approaches and gain confidence in learning from their peers. You can find the MathTV videos in the XYZ eBook. XYZ eBook- Access the eBook for this course as well as any other XYZ Textbook. Use the My Bookshelf feature under MY ACCOUNT to easily access your eBook.
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Answers and Solutions (for Instructors only)
Activities Book Solutions Manual |
(available) |
Even Answers Manual |
(available) |
Reading Questions Solutions Manual |
(available) |
Additional Resources (for Instructors only)
Instructors Guide |
(available) |
Teaching Notes for Intermediate Algebra |
(available) |
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