ISBN: 978-1-936368-35-8
Intermediate Algebra: A Modeling Approach Activities Workbook
Author: Kathy Yoshiwara
About this Activities Workbook
This course is based on the Modeling with Algebra Project (MAP) created and implemented as a joint venture between Pierce College and the California State Universities at Northridge, Long Beach, and Humboldt, under a grant from Next Generation Learning Challenges. The course is an activity-based intermediate algebra course. The foundation of the course is the textbook, Intermediate Algebra: A Modeling Approach by Katherine Yoshiwara.
The textbook is available online, but we find that possessing a print version of the Activities Workbook is important for student success. For each Activity:- How many questions did your group answer?
- How many questions did your group answer correctly?
- Which part of the activity did your group find the easiest?
- Which part was the most difficult? Why?
- Circle the parts your group answered incorrectly, and take two minutes to make sure everyone understands the correct answers.
- What can you do to feel more comfortable with questions that ask you to explain or interpret? Write up your response in your portfolio.
- What did you learn from the activity that was new, or that you didn't get from the reading? Write up your response in your portfolio.
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