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Meet the people who make XYZ Textbooks possible

photo of Amy Jacobs

Amy Jacobs/VP of Sales and Marketing

Favorite thing about working for MathTV and XYZ Textbooks? The people working here, the atmosphere and being a positive solution for understanding developmental math.

Year started with company: 2009

Major: English

Pets or kids? 3 kids, 3 dogs, a bunny and a fish.

Favorite job Other than XYZ Textbooks, Camp Counselor at Walton's Grizzly Lodge Summer Camp


photo of Rachael

Rachael /Operations Manager, Sales and HR

Favorite thing about working for MathTV and XYZ Textbooks? Flexibility, feeling appreciated, lunch on Thursdays!

Year started with company: 2010

Major: Nutrition

Favorite thing to do on the weekends: Wine tasting

photo of Charles P. McKeague

Charles P. McKeague/Owner, Author, Video Tutor

Favorite thing about working for MathTV and XYZ Textbooks? The people working here, and the flexibility of the website. No matter what we want to do, there is a place for it on the website. For an author, it is a dream come true.

Year started with company: 2006

Major: Mathematics

Pets or kids? Two children, seven grandchildren.

Favorite website:

Favorite pastime:Putting videos on YouTube and reading the comments people make.

Favorite vacation: Going to Hawaii with the grandkids!

Favorite quote: If you think you can, or if you think you can't, you're right!

photo of Katherine HS

Katherine HS/Editor and Designer

Favorite thing about working for MathTV and XYZ Textbooks? Multifaceted work days, opportunities to be creative

Year started with company: 2010

Major: Exercise Science

Pets or kids? Supergirl Alana!

Irrational fear: Rogue commas

Favorite activity: Climbing mountains

Favorite quote: "A line is a dot going for a walk." -Paul Klee

photo of Amy Jacobs

Amy Jacobs/Sales

Learn more about Amy

photo of Bruce Spears

Bruce Spears/Sales

direct line: 888-559-1676

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photo of Rich Jones

Rich Jones/Sales

Learn more about Rich

photo of Rachael Hillman

Rachael Hillman/Sales

Learn more about Rachael

photo of Katherine Diefenderfer

Katherine Diefenderfer/Sales


photo of Jim Rozsa

Jim Rozsa/Sales

Learn more about Jim

photo of Megan Cavanah

Megan Cavanah/Author

College attended: Western Carolina University and Florida State University

Colleges where you have taught: Polk State College

Advice for students taking a math class: Know your resources. In addition to your classmates and instructor, there are a lot of resources that come with your textbook and on your campus! 

Favorite vacation: St John, US Virgin Islands

Favorite class to teach:  Introductory and intermediate algebra. It's rewarding to see former students at graduation after having them in class early in their academic career. 

Favorite website: Pinterest

Pets or kids? pets - two cats named Jax and Avery 

photo of Charles P. McKeague

Charles P. McKeague/Owner, Author, Video Tutor

Colleges attended: California State University, Northridge and Brigham Young University

Colleges where you have taught: Cuesta College, Cal Poly SLO

2007 awarded the AMATYC Presidential Award
2015 awarded the Herb Gross Lifetime Achievement Award

Advice for new teachers: Try new things that interest you. Be accommodating when your colleagues try new things. Join AMATYC and any local community college organizations in your state, then start thinking of presentations you can give at conferences. My teaching improved when I started giving presentations.

Favorite pastime: Putting videos on YouTube and reading the comments people make.

Favorite vacation: Going to Hawaii with the grandkids!

Favorite class to teach? Elementary Algebra, Business Calculus, and Trigonometry

Pets or kids? Two children, seven grandchildren.


photo of Mona Panchal

Mona Panchal/Author

College attended: University of California, Irvine and California State University, Los Angeles

Colleges where you have taught:  
Citrus College, Whittier College, East Los Angeles College

Advice for students taking a math class: Get to know your professor and ask questions!

Favorite pastime: A cup of coffee with my husband!

Favorite vacation: New York City or India

Favorite class to teach: Calculus 2 and Statistics

Pets or kids? 2 daughters, Zaara 5, Meera 4; hopefully, a dog one day!

Fun Fact:  Prior to teaching, Mona began her career at Loma Linda Medical Center as a physicist, programming and operating a proton accelerator to treat cancer patients.

photo of Mark Turner

Mark Turner/Author

College attended: CSU Fullerton, Cal Poly SLO

Colleges where you have taught: Cal Poly SLO, Allan Hancock College, Cuesta College

Advice for new teachers: Experiment! Find out what works for you. Let your personality come out in the classroom. Find a good balance between teaching, home life, and your personal hobbies/pursuits. Talk with your colleagues...a lot! Go to the AMATYC annual conference.

Favorite thing about working for XYZ Textbooks: Smart, friendly people. Very supportive in completing textbook projects. Academic freedom and complete trust in my expertise.

Favorite pastime: The beach.

Favorite class to teach: Intermediate Algebra

Pets/kids: No pets, 2 daughters.

Favorite quote: "There is no spoon."

photo of Alan S. Tussy

Alan S. Tussy/Author

College attended: The University of Redlands and California State University, Los Angeles

Colleges where you have taught:  Citrus College in Glendora, California

Favorite pastime: I enjoy watching sports (football, baseball, and basketball on TV) and working out at LA Fitness.

Favorite vacation: We have a vacation home in Bear Bear Lake, California, and spend virtually all of our vacation days there.

Favorite class to teach: Prealgebra

Favorite website: iTunes

Pets: Our dog, Desi, is a very important member of our family. He is a Havanese breed (the national dog of Cuba) and is named after Desi Arnaz of I Love Lucy fame. Desi is very smart and will do just about anything for a dog treat.

photo of Esmeralda Medrano

Esmeralda Medrano/Author

Colleges attended:  East Los Angeles College, UCLA, California State University, Los Angeles and earned an Education Leadership Doctorate from California State University, Fullerton.

Colleges where you have taught: Citrus College in Glendora, California

Advice for students taking a math class: Read the book, stay ahead, and ask questions.

Favorite pastime: Building jigsaw puzzles

Favorite vacation: Cancun

Pets or kids? One daughter – Ariana. Two pets – Luna and Chepie

Fun Fact:  Early in her teaching career, Esmeralda was an instructor in the Jaime Escalante Math program. As depicted in the 1988 film Stand and Deliver, it is a unique program that offers mathematics classes to traditionally disadvantaged inner-city middle and high school students from communities surrounding East Los Angeles.

photo of Revathi Narasimhan

Revathi Narasimhan/Author

College attended: Ph.D University of Maryland, College Park; Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Arizona State University

Schools where you have taught: Saint Peter's College (previous) and Kean University (current)

Advice for students taking a math class: Do all your homework, attend class and be familiar with all the course policies. Communicate with your instructor.

Advice for new teachers: Take time to communicate and interact with students in your classroom. Once you write something on the board, stand back and move closer to the students. Makes them feel less intimidated (and they can see what you wrote!)

Favorite class to teach: Math for business majors

Pets or kids: 2 sons, ages 16 and 10

Favorite website: Amazon

Random fact: Been known to wake up right before the crack of dawn to chase away the deer in my garden!

photo of Denny Burzynski

Denny Burzynski/Author

College attended: California State University, Long Beach

College (s) where you have taught: Glendale Community College, West Valley College in Saratoga, and The College of Southern Nevada.

Things I enjoy: I like surf guitar music by less well-known groups such as the Duo-tones, The Surf Coasters, the Blue Hawaiians, and the Vara-tones. I enjoyed the very surprising result in the TED Talk Sean Gourley on the mathematics of war. 

Pets or kids? I have a daughter, Sandy, who is an anthropologist and rescues rabbits, and a son-in-law, Kent,who is a lighting engineer. I have a cat named Bones, Phd.

Favorite quote: Each semester at West Valley College in the Silicon Valley the math faculty would choose schedules for the next semester. When we were done constructing our schedules Wade Ellis would always say "We teach community college mathematics, there is no such thing as a bad schedule."

photo of Bruce Yoshiwara

Bruce Yoshiwara/Author

College attended: UCLA

College (s) where you have taught: Los Angeles Pierce College, Barnsley College (Yorkshire, England)

Advice for Students taking a math class: Do not be afraid of making mistakes, because we learn more when we make and recognize mistakes than by being correct. A mistake only means that we haven't yet attained full mastery.

Pets or kids? I'm the "back-up human" for the two cats in the household

Favorite quote: "Good teachers deserve apples; great teachers deserve chocolate." -Richard Hamming

photo of Kathy Yoshiwara

Kathy Yoshiwara/Author

College attended: Michigan State, UCLA

College (s) where you have taught: Los Angeles Pierce College, Barnsley College (Yorkshire, England), Compton College, and Santa Monica College

Advice for Students taking a math class: Be prepared to think in new ways. Do not be afraid of making mistakes, but be willing to read and think on your own before asking for help.

Advice for new teachers: Lecture as little as possible. Spend your energy devising ways for students to engage with their textbook, their fellow students, and problem solving

Favorite activity: Floating on my air raft in Saginaw Bay.

Favorite class to teach? Multivariable calculus

Favorite website:

Pets or kids? Two cats: Miso and Nori

photo of Ross Rueger

Ross Rueger/Author

College attended: UC Riverside , UCLA

College (s) where you have taught: University of Minnesota, Duluth, College of the Sequoias

Advice for Students taking a math class: Keep up with your homework!

Advice for new teachers: Don't sweat the small details, focus on the major concepts.

Favorite thing about working for XYZ Textbooks: Cheap textbooks!

Favorite song: Cortez the Killer (Neil Young) and 2112 (Rush)

Favorite class to teach? Precalculus

Pets or kids? 2 kids (grown), 7 dogs + occasional fox, coyote, and possum

Favorite quote: "Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans." -John Lennon

photo of Judy Barclay

Judy Barclay/Author

College attended: SUNY Cortland and University of Massachusetts

College (s) where you have taught: Pelham H.S., Sill Jr. H. S., Cuesta College, Tompkins-Cortland Community College

Advice for Students taking a math class: Don't get behind in your math class. Get help as soon as you start to have problems. Always keep up with your homework.

Advice for new teachers: Be prepared!

Pets or kids? 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren

photo of Mr. McKeague

Mr. McKeague /Owner, Author, Video Tutor

Favorite thing about working for XYZ Textbooks? The people working here, and the flexibility of the website. No matter what we want to do, there is a place for it on the website. For an author, it is a dream come true.

Major: Mathematics

Pets or kids? Two children, seven grandchildren.

Favorite website:

Favorite vacation: Going to Hawaii with the grandkids!

Favorite quote: If you think you can, or if you think you can't, you're right!

photo of Julieta

Julieta /Video Tutor

Major at UC Merced: Biology (emphasis Human Bio)

Things I would like to do: work in the Medical field, join the Peace Corps, go to the FIFA world cup in Brasil, learn how to play guitar, live in Europe

Favorite website:

Favorite quote: "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different" -Coco Chanel

photo of Gordon

Gordon /Video Tutor

Major at Stanford: Double major in mathematics and spanish

Favorite song: Feel it by Passafire

Favorite food: Chicken mole

Favorite hobby: Trail running

Favorite website:

Favorite quote "I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious (Ich habe keine besondere Begabung, sondern bin nur leidenschaftlich neugierig" - Einstein

photo of Molly S.

Molly S. /Video Tutor

Major at Cal Poly State University: Mathematics

Favorite hobby: I love Bikram Yoga and Running.

Favorite place I have traveled: Costa Rica or Hawaii

Favorite College Course Method of Proofs

Favorite video? Basic Mathematics Fractions Definitions and Properties Example #2 This is definitely my favorite video, because I was just in a silly mood when I made that video. 

Favorite quote: "Be happy for this moment, for this moment is your life. "

photo of Octabio

Octabio /Video Tutor

Major at Harvard: Mathematics

Favorite website:

Favorite hobby: Playing quidditch

Favorite quote: "It's being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don't know if there is one." -George Harrison

photo of Lauren

Lauren /Video Tutor

Major at Cal Poly State University: Agricultural Business/Ag Communications

Favorite Food: Tri-tip and potatoes!

Favorite website: Pinterest. Sorry Joshua!

Favorite quote: "Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -Bernard Baruch

photo of Stephanie

Stephanie /Video Tutor

Major at NYU: Double major: business and mathematics

Favorie flavor of ice cream: Spumoni

Favorite Pasttime: Dancing

Favorite quote: "We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance." -Japanese Proverb

photo of Mr. Perez Perez

Mr. Perez Perez/Mr. Perez

Major: BS in Finance & Masters Degree in Business Analytics

Favorite hobby: Soccer! I've played my whole life, have coached for 10 years, and watch every level whenever I have time.

Favorite place I have traveled: South America is my favorite area to travel, probably because a lot of my family is from Ecuador, Argentina, and Chile. I speak Spanish so it is easy to get around, and there are so many different and interesting cultures, and amazing food!

Favorite College Course: Machine Learning and Data Analytics. It was basically a statistics course and computer science course blended into one. I learned a lot about how to tell stories with data, which is a very valuable skill that I have used throughout my career.

Favorite quote: "If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try". I love this quote because it inspired me to get past the fear of starting something new, and to realize that on the other side of that fear is success. Instead of stopping, you need to start!

Advice for Students taking Math: It might sound a little cliche, but you need to make mistakes! Mistakes are proof that you are trying, and nobody is going to get it right the first time. Instead of beating yourself up about a mistake, acknowledge that it happened and learn from it. It's how everybody starts out their math journey, and I still learn from my mistakes on a daily basis.

photo of Lauren D.

Lauren D. /Video Tutor

Major: Liberal Studies, Math Minor

Favorite Candy: Peanut Butter M&M's

Favorite website: - Best teacher resource ever!!!

Favorite quote: "Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do." -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

photo of Brooke Video Tutor

Brooke Video Tutor/Tutor

Major at American University: Justice, Law and Criminology

Favorite hobby: Puzzles

Favorite place I have traveled: Costa Rica

Favorite College Course: Introduction to Acting 

Favorite quote: “When they go low, we go high” Michelle Obama