Intermediate Algebra
Authors: Mark Turner, Charles P. McKeague

All-Access Pass
ISBN: 978-1-936368-56-3
* Includes eBook, MathTV videos and XYZ Homework
Paperback w/ All Access Pass
ISBN: 978-1-63098-332-1
Intermediate Algebra
Authors: Mark Turner, Charles P. McKeague
Intermediate Algebra fits the traditional, one-semester, intermediate algebra course. The prerequisite is Elementary Algebra in college, or Algebra I in high school.
Every section has been written so that it can be discussed in a single class session. The clean layout and the authors' conversational style make it easy for students to read, and important information such as definitions and properties are highlighted so that they can easily be located and referenced by students.
The following features provide both instructors and students a vast array of resources which can be used to enrich the learning environment and promote student success:
- Chapter Introductions
- Learning Objectives
- "Getting Ready for Class"
- "Getting Ready for the Next Section"
- Learning Objectives Assessments
- "Paying Attention to Instructions"
- "How To" Segments
- "Spotlight on Success"
- Real-Data Application Problems
- Facts from Geometry
- QR Codes
- Chapter Summary / Chapter Test
Progress Check (eBook only)
This new self-study feature allows students to get as much practice as they want on the examples in the book. Each Practice Example correlates with the examples from each section of the eBook. The system automatically generates new problems, so students can do each one of them until they feel confident that they understand it. Everything is recorded in a section-by-section Progress Report to help students keep track of their progress.
Learning Objectives
A quick road map for each section to help students identify and focus on the important concepts and increase the likelihood of their success.
"Getting Ready for Class"
Four key questions at the end of every section that students should be able to answer with ease if they have read the material before class.
"Getting Ready for the Next Section"
A brief preview of the next section to help student maintain their momentum as much as possible, with a small taste of the problem types they will encounter next.
Learning Objectives Assessments
A short section of multiple-choice questions at the end of every exercise set to test whether students have met the learning objectives for each section.
"Paying Attention to Instructions"
Integrated into the problem sets, these particular exercises really challenge students to carefully read the instructions for each problem.
"How To" Segments
A little more detail, as needed, outlining the steps in a method or process to help students internalize the particular problem-solving strategy.
"Spotlight on Success"
Each student has a unique approach to learning, so this feature offers students a variety of strategies from a variety of sources.
Real-Data Application Problems
Applied problems that help give students a greater mathematical "sense," and even make the concepts a little easier to understand.
Facts from Geometry
Geometry can give students another view of the problem, and potentially, another avenue for understanding algebraic concepts.
QR Codes
Integrated throughout the textbook, QR codes connect the printed version to the digital assets via one scan with a QR reader on any mobile device.
Chapter Summary
Lists the main properties and definitions found in the chapter, with examples given in the margin.
Chapter Summary
A representative sample of the various types of problems students have encountered in the chapter.
Advice for students taking a math class: Your thoughts shape your reality. If you think something will be boring, it probably will be. But if you chose to think something will be fun or interesting, it probably will be! Go to your instructor's office hour sometime during the first week or two. Make a point of introducing yourself. Then ask a question (it doesn't matter what...just get them talking about mathematics or themselves).
I have taught elementary school through to calculus. I am best suited for teaching developmental math at the community college level. Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to have students that always impressed me with their willingness to improve their position in life through education. Every example in every XYZ Textbook is worked on video by multiple video tutors. Students benefit from seeing multiple approaches and gain confidence in learning from their peers. You can find the MathTV videos in the XYZ eBook. XYZ eBook- Access the eBook for this course as well as any other XYZ Textbook. Use the My Bookshelf feature under MY ACCOUNT to easily access your eBook.
To access these resources, please login to your verified instructor account.
Answers and Solutions (for Instructors only)
Complete Answers |
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Complete Solutions Manual |
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Errata |
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Test Banks (for Instructors only)
Downloadable files are ZIP archives containing PDF or WORD files.
Chapter 1 Test Form A |
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Chapter 1 Test Form B |
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Chapter 2 Test Form A |
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Chapter 2 Test Form B |
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Chapter 3 Test Form A |
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Chapter 3 Test Form B |
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Chapter 4 Test Form A |
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Chapter 4 Test Form B |
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Chapter 5 Test Form A |
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Chapter 5 Test Form B |
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Chapter 6 Test Form A |
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Chapter 6 Test Form B |
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Chapter 7 Test Form A |
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Chapter 7 Test Form B |
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Chapter 8 Test Form A |
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Chapter 8 Test Form B |
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Chapter 9 Test Form A |
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Chapter 9 Test Form B |
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Chapter 10 Test Form A |
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Chapter 10 Test Form B |
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Chapter 11 Test Form A |
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Chapter 11 Test Form B |
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PowerPoint Presentation (for Instructors only)
PowerPoint files are suitable for importing into Apple Keynote or Google Slides.
Chapter 1 PowerPoint Slides |
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Chapter 2 PowerPoint Slides |
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Chapter 3 PowerPoint Slides |
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Chapter 4 PowerPoint Slides |
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Chapter 5 PowerPoint Slides |
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Chapter 6 PowerPoint Slides |
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Chapter 7 PowerPoint Slides |
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Chapter 8 PowerPoint Slides |
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Chapter 9 PowerPoint Slides |
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Chapter 10 PowerPoint Slides |
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Chapter 11 PowerPoint Slides |
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Additional Resources (for Instructors only)
Success Skills and Spotlights (PDF) |
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Success Skills and Spotlights (PowerPoint) |
(available) |
Paying Attention to Instructions (PDF) |
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Paying Attention to Instructions (Power Point) |
(available) |
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