Corequisite for College Algebra (Newspaper Edition)
Author: Charles P. McKeague
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ISBN: 978-1-936368-56-3
* Includes eBook, MathTV videos and XYZ Homework
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ISBN: 978-1-63098-392-5
Corequisite for College Algebra (Newspaper Edition)
Author: Charles P. McKeague
Corequisite for College Algebra, Newspaper Format, has everything you need to make a successful start in College Algebra in just 12 lessons. Each lesson has some of the vocabulary and problems you will see in College Algebra. And, because it is in a "newspaper format" it has features a normal textbook does not have. Here is a partial list:
- An article on Growth Mindset, which may help you with all your classes
- An article on how to write an essay.
- QR Codes at the beginning of each lesson that you can scan (or click if you are in the eBook) and then watch the instructional videos for that lesson on your phone or tablet.
- QR Codes at the beginning of each Problem Set that you can scan (or click if you are in the eBook) to get a worksheet you can print in order to work problems similar to the examples in the lesson, but with space to show your work.
Besides helping you get ready for College Algebra, the book will actually help you with any math class you will be taking.
Lesson 1 Definitions, Properties, and Simplifying Expressions
Lesson 2 Exponents and Scientific Notation
Lesson 3 Polynomials: Sums, Differences, and Products
Lesson 4 Review of Factoring
Lesson 5 Linear and Quadratic Equations
Lesson 6 Roots and Radicals
Lesson 7 Complex Numbers
Lesson 8 More Quadratic Equations
Lesson 9 Linear Inequalities in One Variable
Lesson 10 Paired Data and Graphing
Lesson 11 The Slope of a Line
Lesson 12 Linear Functions and Equations of Lines
Lesson 13 Rational Expressions
I have taught elementary school through to calculus. I am best suited for teaching developmental math at the community college level. Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to have students that always impressed me with their willingness to improve their position in life through education. Every example in every XYZ Textbook is worked on video by multiple video tutors. Students benefit from seeing multiple approaches and gain confidence in learning from their peers. You can find the MathTV videos in the XYZ eBook. XYZ eBook- Access the eBook for this course as well as any other XYZ Textbook. Use the My Bookshelf feature under MY ACCOUNT to easily access your eBook.
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